
浏览次数: 765

  特蕾莎修女的原名是艾格尼斯·刚察·博加丘(Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu),她出生于奥斯曼帝国科索沃省的斯科普里﹙前南斯拉夫联邦塞尔维亚共和国科索沃自治区的首府( 科索沃现已独立)﹚,是阿尔巴尼亚裔人, 父亲尼格拉(Nikolla Bojaxhiu)是一个地方的杂货承包商,母亲是Dranafila Bojaxhiu,她是小女儿,上有哥哥和姐姐﹙姐姐后来也成为修女﹚。家中说阿尔巴尼亚语,是天主教家庭,在她所居住的镇上多为穆斯林和新教徒,仅有少数的天主教徒。



  1.“If I ever become a Saint-I will surely be one of 'darkness'.I will continually be absent from Heaven-to light the light of those in darkness on earth,”


  2.“I am everything.Every country I love and I am a child of God to love the humans,”


  3.“I do not agree with the big way of doing things.To us,what matters is an inpidual”


  4.“Do ordinary things with extraordinary love”。


  5.“Love begins at home,and it is not how much we do,but how much love we put in the action that we do”。


  6.“let us always meet each other with a smile,for the smile is the beginning of love”。


  7.“We fear the future because we are wasting the today”


  8.“The future is so much in the hands of God,I find it much more easy to accept today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow has not come and I have only today”


  9.“We have been created for greater things,to love and be loved”


  10.“I see somebody dying, I pick him up.I find somebody hungry,I give him food.He can love and be loved.I don't look at his color, I don't look at his religion.I don't look at anything.Every person whether he is Hindu,Muslim or Buddhist,he is my brother,my sister”。

