朋友圈伤感说说失恋难过 忍不住想哭的失恋说说

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  1. 你是这个秋天里最后一丝游离的秋风,而我恰是这秋天里随风飘落的最后一片枫叶!

  1. You are the last free autumn wind in this autumn, and I am the last maple leaf falling with the wind in this autumn!

  2. 你在做什么?我在仰望天空。30度的仰望是什么?是我想念她的角度。为什么要把头抬到30度?为了不让我的眼泪掉下来……

  2. What are you doing? I'm looking up at the sky. What is 30 degrees of looking up? I miss her angle. Why should I lift my head to 30 degrees? In order not to let my tears fall

  3. 如果我们当初不添加好友,也就不会有那么多有关于你难忘的回忆。

  3. If we didn't add friends, we wouldn't have so many unforgettable memories about you.

  4. 让人心凉的是,在我这里你不可或缺,在你那里我可有可无。

  4. What makes people cool is that you are indispensable here and I am indispensable there.

  5. 是你先闯进我的生活,最后却是我哭着求你别走。

  5. It was you who first broke into my life, but at last I cried and begged you not to leave.

  6. 当我流着泪向你说再见,你只是冷漠的向我告别,不敢看你的冷漠的眼,心已碎成千片。

  6. When I say goodbye to you in tears, you just say goodbye to me indifferently, dare not look at your indifferent eyes, and your heart has broken into thousands of pieces.

  7. 有一天你能到我的心里去,你会看到那里全是你给的伤悲。

  7. One day you can go to my heart, and you will see that it is all your sorrow.

  8. 我可以陪你疯,陪你闹,陪你哭,陪你笑,什么都可以,只是你什么都不要

  8. I can accompany you crazy, make trouble with you, cry with you, laugh with you, anything is OK, but you don't want anything

  9. 其实没什么放不下的,只是会觉得遗憾,付出了那么多的感情,说没就没了。

  9. In fact, there's nothing that can't be put down. I just feel sorry. I've paid so much for it. If I say no, it's gone.

  10. 没有人想放弃,不是因为不喜欢也不是因为不爱了,而是攒够了失望,把所有的关心和爱慕都一点点消磨殆尽了

  10. No one wants to give up, not because they don't like it or because they don't love it, but because they have accumulated enough disappointment and consumed all their care and love

  11. 我们做的最默契的一件事就是,我不联系你,你也不联系我,最后我们真的陌生了。

  11. The most tacit thing we do is that I don't contact you and you don't contact me. At last, we are really strange.

  12. 曾经以为念念不忘的事情,就在我们念念不忘的过程,被我们遗忘了。

  12. The things we thought we could never forget were forgotten in the process of our thinking.

  13. 后来遇见的人都比你好,可你离开时带走了我奋不顾身的勇气。

  13. Later, I met people who were better than you, but you took away my courage to be desperate when you left.

  14. 淋过雨的空气,疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化。

  14. Drenched in the rain, tired and sad, the fairy tale in my memory has slowly melted.

  15. 不管别人怎么看还是要做自己,活在别人的眼神里那和失去了自我有什么区别。

  15. No matter what other people think or want to be themselves, what's the difference between living in the eyes of others and losing yourself.

  16. 我就站在你面前,请不要回头看,她是过去,而我是未来,也是永远。

  16. I am standing in front of you. Please don't look back. She is the past, and I am the future and forever.

  17. 很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘掉的事情,就在我们念念不忘的日子里。被我们遗忘了。

  17. A lot of things we thought we would never forget in our whole life are in the days we never forget. Forgotten by us.

  18. 曾经的早晚安,现在的黑名单。我开始选择销声匿迹终于不再把你记起。

  18. Good morning and good night, now the blacklist. I began to choose to disappear and finally forget you.

  19. 离开你我过得很好,假装一切都很好。

  19. I had a good time leaving you, pretending everything was fine.

  20. 有多少人,明明分手了,却还爱着。有多少人,明明还爱着,却说放下了。

  20. How many people, clearly broke up, but still love. How many people, clearly still love, but said put down.

  21. 失去的再挽留便不会像以前那样开心。

  21. The lost will not be as happy as before.

  22. 提起你还是心酸,却不再像从前那么喜欢。

  22. Mention you or sad, but no longer like as before.

  23. 道理都懂,但该怨的还是会怨,该骂的还是会骂,该哭的也还是会哭,毕竟心里的难受不是道理所能释怀的。

  23. The truth is clear, but the one who should complain will still complain, the one who should scold will still scold, the one who should cry will also cry, after all, the pain in the heart is not what the truth can release.

  24. 结束都有着漫长压抑的伏笔。坐拥天下唯独没有你。

  24. The end has a long and depressing foreshadowing. You are the only one in the world.

  25. 也许我只是你的一个配饰,你不需要在任何时候我都可以丢弃。

  25. Maybe I'm just a accessory for you. You don't need to throw it away at any time.

  26. 亲爱的,我不求海枯石烂,只求在你身旁。

  26. Dear, I don't ask for withered seas and rotten rocks, but for being by your side.

  27. 恋爱的女人的最大快乐就是她所爱的男人承认她是他的一部分。

  27. The greatest happiness of a woman in love is that the man she loves admits that she is part of him.

  28. 你走了真好,我不用每天担心你会走。

  28. It's nice of you to leave. I don't have to worry about you every day.

  29. 你一定要过得很好,不然对不起我的不打扰。

  29. You must have a good life, or I'm sorry I don't disturb you.

  30. 分手了就该老死不相往来,展露一丝思念都是贱;你走吧,不打扰是我最后的温柔。

  30. When I break up, I should be old and dead. It's cheap to show a trace of missing. Let's go. It's my last tenderness not to disturb..
