伤感说说简短戳心2022 被深深伤害过的说说

浏览次数: 666


  1. 谢谢你光临我的梦,带着我的心狂奔。

  1. Thank you for coming to my dream and running with my heart.

  2. 把最美的微笑留给伤你最深的人。

  2. Leave the most beautiful smile to the one who hurt you the most.

  3. 只知道刚的人,难免会被折断;只有柔的人,到头来终是懦夫。

  3. Those who only know the hardness will inevitably be broken; those who only know the softness will eventually be cowards.

  4. 有些伤痕,划在手上,愈合后就成了往事;有些伤痕,划在心上,哪怕划得很轻,也会留驻于心。

  4. Some scars will become the past when they are scratched on the hand. Some scars will stay in the heart even if they are scratched lightly.

  5. 凡世的喧嚣和明亮,世俗的快乐和幸福,如同清亮的溪涧,在风里,在我眼前,汨汨而过,温暖如同泉水一样涌出来,我没有奢望,我只要你快乐,不要哀伤……

  5. The noise and brightness of the world, the joy and happiness of the world, just like the clear stream, in the wind, in front of my eyes, gurgling and passing, warm as the spring, I have no extravagant hope, as long as you are happy, do not grieve

  6. 落花飞舞,掩盖了笑脸,我开始忘记天有多透明,忘记风有多无情。

  6. Falling flowers flying, covering up the smiling face, I began to forget how transparent the sky is and how merciless the wind is.

  7. 烧掉你写的信,忘掉你喜欢的歌,绑住我的眼睛,眼泪掉不下来,我还是很快乐。

  7. Burn the letter you wrote, forget the song you like, tie my eyes, tears can't fall, I'm still very happy.

  8. 深的话要浅浅地说,长长的路要挥霍地走。大大的世界要率真地感受,会痛的伤口要轻轻地揉。

  8. Deep words should be said shallowly, and the long road should be swayed. The big world needs to feel frankly, and the painful wound needs to be gently rubbed.

  9. 痛不痛只有自己知道,变没变只有自己才懂,不要问我过得好不好,死不了就还好。

  9. Only you know the pain or not, only you know the change or not. Don't ask me if I'm ok. It's ok if I don't die.

  10. 往后余生,风雪没有你,清贫没有你,心底温柔没有你,目光所致,皆寻不到你。

  10. For the rest of my life, there will be no you in the snow, no you in the poverty, no you in the gentleness of my heart, no you in my eyes.

  11. 旧爱的誓言像极了一个巴掌,每当你记起一句就挨一个耳光

  11. The oath of old love is like a slap in the face every time you remember a sentence

  12. 其实我们还是挺有默契的对吧?例如,我不去找你,你也不会来找我

  12. In fact, we still have a tacit understanding, right? For example, if I don't come to you, you won't come to me

  13. 有些人捅我一刀我可以捅回去可有些人捅我一刀我却只能捂着伤口笑

  13. Some people stab me, I can stab it back, but some people stab me, but I can only cover the wound and smile

  14. 道理我都懂但不该错的我还是错了就像不该伤害你我还是伤害了

  14. I know the truth, but I should not be wrong. I'm still wrong, just like I shouldn't hurt you. I still hurt you

  15. 你不必逞强不必说谎懂你的人自然会知道你原本的摸样

  15. You don't have to be brave. You don't have to lie. People who understand you will know what you are

  16. 每次做题前,我都会先潇洒的写下一个解字,然后开始看题……

  16. Every time before I do a question, I will write down a word to solve it, and then I will start to look at the question

  17. 那么用心的去爱你最后受伤的只有我自己

  17. I love you with all my heart. I'm the only one who gets hurt

  18. 少年还是那个少年,只是再也不是喜欢的模样了..

  18. The young man is still that young man, but he is not like any more

  19. 清晨的粥比深夜的酒好喝,骗你的人比爱你的人会说

  19. The porridge in the morning is better than the wine in the night. The person who deceives you will say that

  20. 世界上最远的距离,不是爱,不是恨,而是熟悉的人,渐渐变得陌生。虽然最好的时光,总是特别短,但曾有过的感动,我们都会记得。

  20. The furthest distance in the world is not love, not hate, but the familiar people, who gradually become strange. Although the best time is always very short, we will remember the touching we had.

  21. 想一千次,不如去做一次。华丽的跌倒,胜过无谓的徘徊。

  21. If you want to do it a thousand times, it's better to do it once. A gorgeous fall is better than a meaningless wandering.

  22. 我们并肩坐在冰凉的台阶上,有风吹过,有爱来过,却最终被我们一起错过,原来,时间真的像流水,走的悄无声息,很多时光,很多事情,很多人,转眼就变得和当初认识的不一样了。

  22. We sat on the cold steps side by side, with the wind blowing and the love coming, but we finally missed it together. It turns out that time is really like running water, walking quietly, a lot of time, many things, many people become different from what they knew at the beginning.

  23. 我可能是不适合喜欢人的,我的极度缺乏安全感,多疑,敏感,需要陪伴,口是心非,一次次把我喜欢的人越推越远,也把自己逼进深渊。

  23. I may not be suitable for liking people. I am extremely insecure, suspicious, sensitive, need company, and duplicity. I push my liking people further and further, and push myself into the abyss.

  24. 你难过的时候,他没有陪着你。你挽留的时候,他没有珍惜你。说白了,他其实没那么喜欢你。

  24. He didn't accompany you when you were sad. He didn't cherish you when you stayed. Frankly, he doesn't like you so much.

  25. 我哪有什么好脾气,我的好脾气都是因为我爱你。

  25. Where I have any good temper, my good temper is because I love you.

  26. 要不是因为我在乎你我不会因为你一句话想东想西不堪一击么我又不傻又不是不知道要爱自己

  26. If I didn't care about you, I wouldn't be vulnerable because of your words. I'm not stupid and I don't know how to love myself

  27. 最爱的人误解,难过到不想争辩,也只有选择沉默。全世界都可以不懂我,如果你也不懂,我还有什么话可说。

  27. The beloved misunderstands and feels so sad that he doesn't want to argue and only chooses silence. The whole world can not understand me. If you don't understand me, I have something to say.

  28. 曾经以为念念不忘的东西,总有一天会变得面目全非。时光没有教会我任何东西,却教会了我不要轻易地相信一个神话。

  28. What I once thought I would never forget will become totally different one day. Time has not taught me anything, but it has taught me not to believe a myth easily.

  29. 这世界上,没有能回去的感情。就算真的回去了,你也会发现,一切已经面目全非。唯一能回去的,只是存于心底的记忆。是的,回不去了,所以,我们只能一直往前。

  29. In this world, there is no feeling to go back. Even if you really go back, you will find that everything is different. The only thing to go back is the memory in my heart. Yes, we can't go back, so we can only go straight ahead.

  30. 微笑就像创可贴。虽然掩饰住了伤口,但是疼痛依然。我是一个经常笑的人,但不是一个经常开心的人。

  30. A smile is like a band aid. Although cover up the wound, but the pain is still. I am a person who laughs a lot, but not a person who is always happy.

  31. 那些连再见都没有说就离开的人,大概以后再也不会相见,毕竟赞够了失望的人是不会回头的。

  31. Those who leave without saying goodbye will probably never meet again. After all, those who praise enough and are disappointed will not turn back.

  32. 你才知道,或许这么久以来,都是自己一厢情愿的一往情深。不是对的人,就算等多久也换不来爱情。

  32. You just know, maybe for so long, it's all wishful thinking. Not the right person, even if waiting for how long can not change love.
