
浏览次数: 624






  1、优雅地迎接成功,勇敢地面对挫折。(Meet success like a gentleman and disaster like a man.)——404班  魏雯锐

  2、有一个好的身体,才能有好的未来。(Good health making a better future.)——305班  刘志秋

  3、,孝顺父母,是一个人必做的事!(Thanksgiving teacher,filial piety,is a person will do.)——501班  骆芷婷

  4、要想让自己无可替代,你必须总是与众不同。(In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. )——602班  韩啸

  5、上下楼梯靠右行,你让我让脚步轻。(Up and down the stairs on the right, be polite and be quiet.)——306班  孙炜杰

  6、任何成就都是刻苦劳动的成果。(Any achievement is the result of hard work.)——304班  陈梦玲

  7、赠人玫瑰,手有余香!( Send person rose , the hand have lingering fragrance !)——501班  陈炜斌

  8、细节决定成败。(Details determine success or failure.)——402班  席欣祺

  9、认真学习的人不会有太多的烦恼。(Seriously study the people will not have too much trouble.)——504班  代徐洋

  10、积千累万,不如养个好习惯。(To keep a good habit is more important.)——301班  陈欣悦

  11、学长是我们进步的阶梯。(Seniors are the ladder of the progress of us.)——401班  詹子暄

  12、胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。(Victory won't come to me unless I go to it.)——603班  梁永恒

  13、不推挤,不吵闹,关心同学你我他。(Don't push, not noisy, students concerned about you and me.)——403班  姚瑞诗

  14、世上没有笨的人,只有懒惰的人。(There is no dull kid,only the lazy one in the world.)——305班  吴柏健

  15、浑浑噩噩的生活不值得过。(The unexamined life is not worth living.)——502班  叶婉褀

  16、贪小便宜吃大亏。(Penny wise,pound foolish.)——502班  黄鹏飞

  17、我们不要以大欺小,以多欺少。(Do not bully the weak.)——302班  赖旭

  18、美名胜过美貌。(A good fame is better than a good face.)——603班  詹业坤

  19、不管什么时候,只要肯学什么都有可能。(No matter what you do, as long as we are willing to work hard, you will be successful!)——402班  黄均骜

  20、节约小小一滴水,孕育大地华夏情。(Save every drop of water.)——503班  蔡铭栩

  21、人人为我,我为人人。(All for one, one for all. )——405班  黄桐

  22、今天,你微笑了吗?(Do you smile today?)——503班  黄汉鹏

  23、苦难是最伟大的老师。(Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life.)——405班  林嘉铟

  24、脚步轻轻,说话轻轻,走廊静静,学习开心。(Footsteps lightly, talking gently, walking quietly ,learning happily.)——306班  卢依韬

  25、不要让自己无聊。(Don't let yourself get bored.)——504班  王江远

  26、多学习,就算是木头也会闪闪发光。(Knowledge can change one's destiny.)——301班  贺振庭

  27、大地止而亦行,大海动而亦静。( The land did not move, but moved. The sea was not still, yet was still.)——602班  蓝子涵

  28、上下楼梯靠右行,不吵不闹好宝宝。(keep right when going up and down the stairs; keep quiet and be a good kid. )——303班  岑展铭

  29、人生只有一次。(You only live once.)——403班  欧佳欣

  30、升学的压力像千斤石一样压在我身上,但升学的高榜像万束光芒让我撑开巨石。(The pressure of entering a higher school is like a rock pressing on my body,  but the high-score list, like thousands of beams of light,  helps me to push it away . )——601班  陈梓轩

  31、隐患处处有,安全时时记。(Hidden dangers everywhere, always remember.)——406班  杨子泰

  32、礼貌是最容易做到的事情。(Courtesy is the most easy thing.)——401班  邓志锋

  33、世上无难事,只要肯动手动脑就一定能做到。(Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to think  about it.)——304班  于民利

  34、择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。(Select and learn from its good points,while select and improve its bad points.)——406班  张家铭

  35、知识是我们飞向天空的翅膀。(The knowledge is a wing which makes us fly to the sky.)——302班  陈颐靖

  36、今天播种一粒自信的心,明年收获一棵梦想的树。(Today you plant a seed of confidence,tomorrow you will get a tree of dreams.)——601班  茹韵妍

  37、人就是人,是自己命运的主人。(For man is man and master of his fate.)——404班  杨璐

  38、坐在上发呆,长大什么都不会。(Sitting in a chair only staring, we will grow up with knowing nothing. )——303班  黄炜
