
浏览次数: 729



  1、Financial freedom is your choice.


  2、Make money grow by putting it to work for you.


  3、Your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes determine your wealthpotential.


  4、If you can't afford it in cash, you can't afford it at all.


  5、See it, say it, write it down.


  6、Life is an adventure; let passion be your guide.


  7、To be financially successful, learn the language of money.


  8、Money is a tool to reach your dream.


  9、Money buys you stuff, not happiness.


  10、You are the CEO of your life; financial freedom is your responsibility.


  11、Pay yourself first.


  12、To create financial freedom, invest the energy of money wisely.


  13、People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan.


  14、It's not how much money you make that's important, it's how muchyou keep.


  15、Being broke is a temporary financial condition, being poor is astate of mind.

