关于深夜一个人哭了说说 一个人偷偷流泪的说说

浏览次数: 564

  1、ζ 关于我们的情感,我们都选择了沉默不语,

  1. ζ about our emotions, we all chose silence,


  2. Redundant explanation, so choose silence


  3. If I don't try to be brave, who can persuade me to be strong.


  4. I want to say that I am not silent but lively and not obvious.


  5. I want to spend the toughest winter of the year alone


  6. No one strong enough to betray

  7、我的弱点就是太爱你了,同时这也是我坚强的理由 .

  7. My weakness is that I love you so much, which is also my strong reason

  8、[ 我假装快乐假装坚强假装冷漠假装忘记却假装不了不想你。]

  8. I pretend to be happy, pretend to be strong, pretend to be indifferent, pretend to forget, but pretend not to miss you. ]


  9. Silence is the sleep that accumulates energy. In the future, it will produce the flower of wisdom.


  10. Maybe being strong is my best choice, telling myself it's not worth it for you.


  11. Everyone's life is incomplete!! Young pursuit of perfection, who has been willing to live wrongfully, but every day want to change the reality, most of the time we are doomed to be incompetent

  12、用沉默对付他人的非议 在强者是一种风度 在弱者是一种聪明

  12. Using silence to deal with other people's criticism is a kind of demeanor in the strong and a kind of intelligence in the weak


  13. Don't hurt yourself. Pretend to be strong. You're a girl in need


  14. Who is not hurt at the same time, learn to be strong at the same time. Our strength is driven by life


  15. When others make me strong, you let me not be brave.


  16. Life taught me not to fight back and keep silent when I was angry

  17、[悄悄是离别的笙箫 夏虫也为我沉默]

  17. [silent is the farewell Sheng Xiao Xia Chong also silent for me]


  18. And how much chance to see through this illusion, so people think it's a pity. In this wet and cold swamp, they cheat and warm each other. Only when you wake up in the middle of the night. Will feel the real loneliness. From everything and from the heart


  19. Memory is so blank, emotion is so unreal.


  20. I'm a Sagittarius girl. I'm strong.

  21、如果你给我说的新年快乐换成我依旧爱你 那些委屈 泪水又能算什么

  21. If the happy new year you told me is replaced by the tears I still love you


  22. Women should be strong and live for themselves. Don't be fooled by men.


  23. Do you think those who leave you will come back when you cry? Idiot! Be strong! Love yourself!


  24. If you have a strong appearance, you will have a weak side one day.
