关于傻瓜的说说 关于傻瓜笨蛋的说说

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  1、傻瓜看着我@! 笨蛋回答我@!

  1. Fool look at me @! Fool answer me @!

  2、讨厌自己对象对别的女孩笑摸别的女孩头发说别的女孩傻瓜 我好自私吧!

  2. I hate to laugh at other girls and touch their hair and say that other girls are stupid. I'm selfish!


  3. ZC: I said it. He refused. He said, "fool, I should have confessed to you." I smiled.

  4、我每天都在这里 在默念他 默念他曾骂我傻瓜 思想还没长大

  4. I'm here every day to meditate on him. He used to call me a fool. I haven't grown up


  5. The silent rain outside my window, but I didn't realize it. At this moment, you occupy my mind.

  6、独处的人还算机灵,而在群体中他简直就是个傻瓜 席勒

  6. He's smart to be alone, and he's a fool in the crowd, Schiller

  7、笨蛋丶跟着我 傻瓜丶牵着我www.fangjial.com

  7. Fool, follow me fool, lead me

  8、知道为什么我这么包容你吗,傻瓜,若不爱你,何须包容 -

  8. Do you know why I tolerate you so much, fool, if I don't love you, why should I-


  9. Fool, what are you enviing? Do you know? You are also very happy


  10. I'm like a fool, played around by everyone.


  11. Fool, say love me on Christmas Eve

  12、st゛不要嫌弃傻瓜 , 他爱你只能这么傻。

  12. St ゛ don't despise a fool. He can only love you so foolishly.


  13. Hum, hum, Meng, wipe. I don't love Xiaoxuan. I'm a fool

  14、女Ren你给我记住了,你是我永远舍不得放弃的小傻瓜。 男Ren你给我听着了,你是我永远忘不掉回忆的大疯子。

  14. Female Ren, you remember that you are the little fool I will never give up. Man Ren, you listen to me. You're the crazy man I'll never forget.


  15. Dear, never embarrass yourself, such as not eating, crying, autistic, depressed. Doing so will only hurt your body, and only a fool will do so

  16、■□ ゛我們會好好的一輩子嗎、傻瓜問〃 ■□ ゛傻瓜〃我們會一輩子的、笨蛋答〃

  16. ■ □゛ will we have a good life? ■ □ ゛ fool ″ we will have a lifetime, fool answer ″


  17. Stupid husband, I only love you one, stupid wife, I just want you one


  18. Stick to it like a fool. What you see at the end of the day is that you have to be happy. That's the beautiful love in your heart

  19、你不再是小屁孩,也不是我的笨蛋,而是我的男人! 你不再是小女孩,也不是我的傻瓜,而是我的女人!

  19. You are no longer a child, nor my fool, but my man! You are no longer a little girl, nor my fool, but my woman!

  20、傻瓜、再傻也要/爱/ 笨蛋、再笨也要/疼/

  20. Fool, no matter how stupid / love / fool, no matter how stupid / pain/

  21、男:❀゜ 笨蛋答应过給傻瓜一個家丶 女:❀゜ 傻瓜答应給笨蛋一颗鈊丶

  21. Male: ❀゜ a fool promised to give a home to a fool; female: ❀゜ a fool promised to give a home to a fool

  22、傻瓜 你叫我等几年啊 你在叫我等下去 我都老了 你还要吗

  22. Fool, you told me to wait for a few years. You told me to wait. I'm old. Do you want more

  23、傻瓜不会再傻了 笨蛋不会再笨了

  23. A fool is no longer a fool


  24. It's always too easy to rely on one person, resulting in loneliness. Too care about a person, the mood is often around, leaving only heartache.?? Why sad, do not know, just suddenly. Perhaps, listening to a song when you are sad is to soothe your heart and hurt your heart.

  25、你想过那个可怜的小丑也许有灵魂一个活生生、苦苦挣扎的人的灵魂,系在那个扭曲的身躯里,被迫为它所奴役吗?你对一切都以慈悲为怀你可怜那个穿着傻瓜衣服、挂着铃铛的肉体你可曾想过那个凄惨的灵魂,那个甚至没有五颜六色的衣服遮掩、赤裸 在外的灵魂?想想它在众人的面前冷得瑟瑟发 抖,羞辱和苦难使 它透不过气来感受到鞭 子一样的讥笑他们的狂笑就像赤红的烙铁烧在裸露的皮肉上! 艾捷尔丽莲伏尼契 《牛虻》

  25. Have you ever thought that the poor clown might have a soul, a living, struggling soul, tied in that twisted body and forced to be enslaved by it? You have compassion for everything. You have pity for the body with silly clothes and bells. Have you ever thought about the miserable soul, the naked soul without colorful clothes? Think of it shivering with cold in front of the crowd. Shame and suffering make it breathless to feel the lash like ridicule. Their laughter is like a red iron burning on the naked flesh! Gadfly by etielaine Voynich
