
浏览次数: 695


汉语:今天是一个特殊的日子,在蓝天高远金秋收 获的九月里 ,我们相聚一起,携手欢庆,迎来了瞩目已久的大喜事—衡阳县社保局办公楼乔迁庆贺典礼。首先,我谨代表社保局的全体干部职工,向百忙之中抽空前来庆贺的省市领导以及到会的所有兄弟单位的领导同志们致以诚挚的谢意和美好的祝福。

衡阳县社保局筹建于 1986年,1987年正式运作,至今已是16个年头。16年励精图治,16年不懈努力,16年风雨兼程,16年默默奋斗,尽管过去16年道路不平,尽管过去16年脚步蹒跚,我们还是一步一个脚印扎扎实实地走过来了。自企业职工养老保险制度改革以来,我县养老保险工作有了突破性的进展,基础工作较夯实,社会保险登记率为100%,所有参保职工资料实现信息化管理。基金管理实行收支两条线,全额征缴养老保险费,委托农行发放离退休人员养老金,社会化发放率为100%,各项任务指标完成均达到省市要求。目前已有93个参保单位,14800多名参保职工,3809名离退休人员,历年累计发放养老金4.2个亿,为衡阳县的经济发展和社会稳定作出了极大的贡献。这些成绩取得付出了社保人无尽的精力与汗水,也萌惠于社会各界无数的关心与厚爱,在此我再次向帮助、支持我们的领导和同志表示衷心的感谢,并希望得到大家一如继往的关注。





Today is a special day, in blue sky Gao Yuanjin in fall , we gathers the same place, hand in hand , welcomes focused attention on the long big - Hengyang county society to guarantee the bureau to move on to better things the ceremony.First, my sincerely representing society guarantees the bureau allcadre staff, to in spite of being very busy pumps out the provincesand cities leader as well as to the meeting all brother unit whichcomes to congratulate leads comrades to extend the sincere gratitudeand the happy blessing.

The Hengyang county society guaranteed the bureau to prepare in 1986, in 1987 officially operated, until now alreadyis 16 years. 16 years make determined efforts, 16 years , 16 years wind and rain travels at double speed, 16 struggle, although pass by 16 years path not to be uneven,although pass by 16 years footsteps to limp, we or a step of passed through. Since the enterprise staff old-age reform, my county old-age insurance work had the , the foundation work rams, the social rate is 100%, all senate 保职 labor information management. The fund management and expenditure two coarse threads, the sum total drafts givescares for the aged the insurance premium, the request provides the retirement personnel pension, rate is 100%, eachty target completes meets the provincesand cities requirements. At present had 93 senate to guarantee theunit, more than 14,800 senate guarantee the staff, 3,809 , all previous years accumulation provide pension 4.2 , was the Hengyang county economical development and has made the enormous contribution. These result obtained havepaid society guarantor's energy and the sweat, alsosprouted the benefit to the social from all walks of life and the deep affection, in this me to the help, supported usonce more the leader and comrade expressed the heartfelt gratitude,and the hope obtained everybody one like continued toward theattention.

In recent years along with social security , service object increasing, original working , work method backwardness already with the workty and which undertakes is unsuitable, is not symmetric. Doeswell the construction, the improvement , the improvement work environment, also creates the goodworking condition, improves the work quality and the efficiency, alsois creates for the general populations good serves the environment. Inorder to let the work environment and the working condition has abigger improvement, we in the financial resource extremely , conct the ship mountain culture festival take the countyseat as the turning point, strives for the local government the value,positively raises the fund, through diligently 装饰一新 the , greatly enhanced the modernized work condition and thelevel.

The review past, made one dance with joy; Looks to the future, is fills with. In the past has become the history, will startus from today to open the new page, will step out new step. We the bureau all cadre staff certainly wants to use the highsense of mission. and the sense of , the county-wide people to entrust with our , further furiously strives for success in the concretework, solidly toils, truly does lets the person be able to see, tracethe actual , with the first-class quality, sets up image, creates the first-class achievement, wins people'strust and the support, with sincerely weaves the old age life with theoffer for the staff the safety net, composes the social security newchapter. Facing the opportunity, faced with the challenge, face thefuture, we already started the new life course. Fellow guests, let usreach agreement, depends on near in the new course shoulder, the handpulls tightly, the heart is connected, the sentiment department,strides bravely forward, advances triumphantly, moves remote.

Finally prays for heavenly blessing everybody healthy in mind andbody, the work is smooth, the enterprise has!


