爱情是伤感的说说 说说伤感到心痛的句子(精选39句)

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1、 After the pain will not feel pain, some will only be a cold heart.




5、 Deep love is a burden I can't bear. Love words are just lies that are fulfilled by chance.

6、 If you comfort others, you can't comfort yourself.

7、 The warbler, the singer, the swallow and the dance are full of flowers. The Playboy, who is drunk and sleepy, thinks that everything is a game on the spot. Only when he finally loses it, can he know how to hurt himself and others. If he wants to cherish the people around him, he can't hope!

8、 I want to hold your hand, from the heart, to the antique.




12、 When you are lonely and down in the soul, you should grasp the emptiness of the field and insult your soul.

13、 The sense of loss is so strong, am I or nothing?


15、 If I have you in my future, I'm not afraid of anything else. 2. It's very happy to eat. I want to have double skin milk tomorrow. 3. Without love, the earth becomes a grave. 4. I would like to grind the edges and corners of the deep sea for a long time and only smile at myself. 5. Sighing is the most time-consuming thing, and crying is the most energy wasting act. 6. If one's feelings are understood, then another person will go to terrible

16、 I like myself now, I miss us in the past.

17、失落感那么强烈, 我是不是还是一无所有?




21、 Within hours, he met her three times, almost every time he opened his eyes On her 22nd birthday, she was betrayed by her boyfriend who had been in love for eight years. She was so angry and despondent that she saw the scene of a man abandoning a woman on the street. So she made a decisive move and stopped his speeding car. I don't want to tell you if I have broken the window, but I will teach you a lesson. After KTV got drunk, he vomited and mistook him for pr. he also threw some red tickets on him. When he left, he urged him heartily, "I'm still young, so I want to go back from nowhere..." She is Ye Yanxi, a junior student. She has a hard life, but she tries to live seriously, dare to love and hate He is the president of Xiaoshi group, one of the top enterprises in s city. The newspaper has little comment on him. He is mysterious and noble, like a dormant beast, closely related to her ex boyfriend.

22、 I smile to see the direction you come, does not mean that I am happy, sleepless night, the fragrance if the breath of the orchid, is the tenderness to the shadow like water.




26、 Like to see you sleeping, because you won't have trouble at that time. I like the way you laugh at me, because you are the happiest at that time. I just want you to be happy.

27、 I won everyone, but I lost you.

28、 When I am the most helpless to meet me is always the back. 2. You leave me, but I'm waiting for you. 3. My mobile phone is of Russian royal blood. I can only play Tetris. 4. Not every princess will meet the prince who saves her when she is in trouble. 5. Explanation is cover up. Cover up is story telling. 6. ❀ the original love so hurt, more difficult than imagined. ...

29、 You don't know anything, including I like you.

30、 Romance that doesn't belong to you is like a kite tied to a line. No matter how high you fly, there will always be a fall. Feelings that don't belong to you are like the sand in your hand. No matter how tight you hold it, there will be a risk of passing away. Heartbeat that doesn't belong to you is like a clockwork. No matter how long you walk, there will be a day when you stop.

31、 I don't want you to smile sweetly, but sigh the sad beauty; I don't want us to love so beautiful, but never have a chance together; I don't want you to cry, but say I love you, I don't want you to say I love you, but turn around and leave me alone in the wind and rain, I don't want to continue this beauty, but you have nowhere to find Find; therefore, I do not want the sadness and beauty of the distant distance. can I?

32、 Time always takes away the best things. 2. I always think that maybe it's safer to be fickle and ungrateful. 3. My heart is confused and unable to express. 4. Withering is an excuse, a reason, a perfunctory result. 5. - people, less commitment, more reality, don't talk about a set, behind a set. 6. Don't get hurt for a face. 7. [your dead sea and rotten rocks are my deadly fetters] 8. There is always someone





37、 Facing the sea, spring flowers bloom, give your heart a harbor, full of wind and rain, full of laughter; give your heart a blue, searching, meditating.


39、 I look at the sky that I can't see, just as I look forward to you that I can't expect forever. People always say that time can solve everything, but I can only be lost in this time, wandering, looking for the answer that has no answer.
