
浏览次数: 578


The more petition, the need to adjust, and adjust the relationship with other people.


Pursuit of petition, occupied all creatures, and maintain their activity.


To be a leader, no matter what industry, petitors do.


There was no secret that in today's business world, it is not your petitiveness.


If no other horse hot pursuit, and than it will never be a tear.


Competition has been even from human origins is the most intense activity of irritants.


Monopoly is insipid life, poor quality and uncivilized service.


Imitation is the best praise for petitors and as a result, baidu is the pliment for us.


Competition has always been, and even from human origins is the most intense activity of irritants.


The same three people strive for danger; With the strong is mad; With the weak is shameful.


Innovation is the secret of petitive advantage that now than at any time in history.


The only petitive advantage, perhaps is the ability of learning faster than petition.


The real problem is not you do better than the past, but what you do better petitors.


To petition is impossible, there must be petition, to petition, this is not a fuck?


The protection of consumers is the most effective method of domestic petition and free trade all over the world.


The survival of all things all depends on petition, the forces of nature and emotion itself is a natural force of life.


Any high level of competition, are almost all petition, we can call it business petition.


Always think very powerful opponent, even if is very weak, you also want him to be very strong.


Lack of enterprising spirit of the national mean depravity. The development and petition is the only thing, can be in an impregnable position.


Competition can make us more efforts progress, regardless of the outcome, petition is the most important thing.


Only true, so the world can and struggle. The so-called song is full of ancient not far off the mark zai! If all but return.


Is life and it is good playing chess, creatively. As long as the incoming, it should be a bag of heroic struggle.


Pistol rang, is you don't have time to see how your opponent is running. Only tomorrow will be petitor.


Good psychpetition, as the spirit of competition, this is to make the business success and to urge inpidual upward momentum.


There is competition to let consumers better than the good or bad, just like running, a man running, a few people, don't feel the same.


The essence of competition is not strong, not agile, also is not smarter than who, rather than who less stupid.


In this world, everything is based on petition there is no fairy tale fantasy, and there is room for sentiment.


Competitive instinct is a kind of wild incentives, through which the advantages of a person from another person's faults on the display.


Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, to win in competition, to learn in the field of its own advantages in petition.


To mean person, he is jealous of slaves; In learning, have temperament, jealousy.however jealousy turns petition.


For such dirty mind, he is jealous of slaves; In learning, have temperament, jealousy.however jealousy turns petition.


Companies that were knocked out in the market, not eliminated by petitors, it must be abandoned by your users.


In fact, competition seems to be not harmonious factors, but it is actually make reliable bond society all parts together.


Collect them? There is competition to let consumers better than the good or bad, just like running, a man running, a few people, don't feel the same.


Dare to face petition, to fully demonstrate the strength and the conquest of the self, to their own defects, forge ahead, to show the hope of victory.


Everything, no high and low, all survive in petition. When there is no opposition, people may even create a opposite to compete.


If a business beneficial to the society, we should let its freedom, petition, petition, the mon, the career is more beneficial to the society.


Life is a magnificent arena, everyone can do there to win, but it must faithfully abide by the rules of the game.


We thank petition, is petition makes us profound knowledge, modest character and strong character. Deduce petition, make life colourful.


Competition is painful. Knowing the difficulties, work hard, is the role of competition. Selection is not wrong, people tend to be in the selection and pressure to create miracle.


Competition, you are a silent and passionate music! Study hard I think: as long as we can in petition arena played magnificent movement.


Only, can reach the ideal destination; Only sowing, harvesting; Can only stand out, competition, and to realize the value of life better.


Competitive than anything else, is what happens to us for a desire, its cause is similar with me because we imagine other people, also have the same desire.


Supetitors, always meet the risk in the thinking, while in action to make the degree of risk to a minimum, or is very cleverly avoid risk.


Competition is everywhere, is an inexhaustible power to people up is the best way to choose petition, petition is to perfect ourselves, realizing national strength of basic way.


petition to let a person become urbanity, can make the person see through mask under various fan barrier, real understanding of human nature, and to explain too much a few minutes buddhist meaning of life.


"The market there are no eternal friends, nor permanent enemies." The philosophical motto reveals the dialectical relationship petition and cooperation, competition cooperation would not be excluded.


Unity is strength, united have advantage. Let people more wisely handle the relationship petition and cooperation, at the same time of petition, carry forward the spirit of solidarity and collaboration.


Due to competitors in terms of wealth, reputation, or some other good success and feel sad, at the same time strive to self-improvement to match each other, or more than the other, of jealousy.


Competition is everywhere, pressure is not save. As long as you do something. And you have hope, you will feel the pressure, you will go to petition, only sowing can be profitable.


For inpiduals, competition can stimulate the potential of him; For countries, petition can help her prosperity; For the world, petition can make it brilliant.


Doing business is like play golf, meet a strong, strong, weak, weak. If your opponent level is too low, will play at random, and even a few don't mind. Therefore, to choose.


petition as a juicer, when you start switch, competition suantiankula will mix. Filter petition of malicious and troubles, leaving a glass of fresh luscious fruit juice.


Don't just like to watch others to compete, but their do not dare to compete with others; Don't just like with weaker than their rivals, rather pete with stronger than his opponent.


Competition is the essence of winning or losing, the spirit of petition is to participate, the conditions of petition is equal, the banner of petition is fair, is to improve petition itself, the process of competition is rich.


Competition is everywhere, it is natural petitive pressure. , however, is because of petition, it would not have been the growth of each of us, only with the progress of the society, the advance of history.
