关于情侣英文短句一对 情侣签名一对英文唯美(精选15句)

浏览次数: 535

1、if you have, such idyllic scenes represent, whom should forever.如果没有你、如此良辰美景、该与谁相伴。

2、look lookatlife, bornborndyingnodawn( 看看人生,生生死死无人晓。)

3、In this life, just want to follow you. Lai Ding you forever.这辈子,只想跟随你。永远赖定你。

4、i have forget her, because she gave me so important.我一直忘不了她、因为她对我那么重要。

5、Your eyes full of beautiful take away my heart你的眼神充满美丽 带走我的心跳

6、I want to have you in my life. Hold you forever.这辈子,只想拥有你。永远抱着你。

7、You are my big depend on(你是我的大依靠)

8、I am your little dependence(我是你的小依赖)

9、We believe, our future.(我们相信、我们的未来。)

10、Your gentleness is so close to take away my heart你的温柔如此靠近 带走我的心跳

11、you read or me, i was here or not. no mercy你念或不念我、我都在这里不悲不喜。


13、if you have, such idyllic scenes represent, from whom he hath.如果没有你、如此良辰美景、该向谁述说。

14、i was vulgar people, i did not hold to unchanging.我是俗人、我没有那样坚持不变的能力。

15、do you like or don't love me, i here and do not yield.你爱或不爱我、我都在这里不离不弃。
