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1. Your attitude towards life determines the temperature of your life.

2. I am unique in the world, and I will succeed!

3. Be bold when things are difficult, and be calm when people are in adversity.

4. I would rather be left alone. The lonely environment in the past made me feel much more comfortable inside.

5. Change the world with your smile, don't let the world change your smile.

6. Destiny does not exist, it is just an excuse for losers to escape from reality.

7. When the prosperity is exhausted, you know that ordinary is true; Looking back on the vicissitudes of life, I just want to be as plain as water.

8. Living is not to win sympathy by tears, but to win applause by sweat!

9. This great world is always rotating, constantly changing stereotypes.

10. All the surprises and good luck in the world are your accumulated character and kindness.

11. Life is too short. If you give up today, you may not get it tomorrow.

12. If there are no ups and downs in nature, the earth will not be full of spring and autumn.

13. When pants lose their belts, they know what dependence is.

14. You can give up anyone, never give up yourself!

15. If you believe you can do it, you will be energetic; If you think you can't do it yourself, you will be depressed.

16. Don't indulge yourself. One day, you will pay a painful price for your indulgence.

17. Even on a smooth road, there will be thorns and bumps, and so will people's fate.

18. Let's replace our worries with our thoughts and plans.

19. I think the stupidest thing about men is that they only like the appearance of women.

20. Don't mistreat every enthusiasm, and don't please any MoMo.


1. As long as a person knows to give love and care, her heart will naturally be filled with love and care.

2. Being willing to spend money for you is the most sincere way to express your feelings, and everything else is routine.

3. To live a beautiful life requires great patience, one does not complain, the other does not explain.

4. There is always a wonderful reason for a wonderful life, and the sweetest one laughs last.

5. The greatest happiness in life is the fruits of one's own labor.

6. Any kind of labor is noble, and only labor is a noble cause.

7. To live, there must be something to pin on. Living in the country is just inner labor, while the spirit is sleeping.

8. No matter what, people should work and sweat, the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness and his joy lie here.

9. Your hand is the ruler of nature.

10. Cultivating young people should respect the feelings of workers and working people.

11. Human labor is the only real wealth.

12. A person who is immersed in mental work is extremely painful if he does not move his limbs frequently.

13. Work and be industrious: labor is the most reliable wealth.

14. Labor and science are the two greatest forces in the world.

15. Only those who walk in front of life and create a new life with their own labor can talk about real beauty.

16. Labor can give people happiness.

17. I know what labor is: it is the source of all the joys and beautiful things in the world.

18. Laziness, like rust, consumes the body more than hard work; Frequently used keys are always shiny.

19. Diligence is priceless, while caution is the art of body protection.

20. Labor is the source of all knowledge.

21. All the good things that exist are the fruits of creation.

22. To work for the happiness of mankind is such a magnificent undertaking and such a great goal.

23. I have my personality conscience, which money can't buy. My music should be dedicated to the motherland, the working people and the national crisis.

24. People who don't work at ordinary times have no holidays in their lives.

25. The most important thing in people's life is labor training. There can be no normal life without labor.

26. When a person is thinking deeply, he is not idle. There is both visible and invisible labor.

27. When labor is a pleasure, life is beautiful; When labor is a duty, life is slavery.

28. Fantasy is harmless at all. It can even support and strengthen the perseverance of workers.

29. Whoever is willing to work hard can make a lot of achievements and be outstanding.

30. Brown sugar and white sugar are not as sweet as fruits of labor.


1. There are very few real coincidences in the world.

2. You can't drive away what belongs to you, and you can't stay what doesn't belong to you.

3. If you don't hurt, the years will be safe.

4. If you try your best, you have no time to worry about failure.

5. If you are a cotton candy machine, I would like to melt my heart and turn it into a palm cloud.

6. Tomorrow is near, and the future is far away.

7. The places that people can avoid in life are mostly dark corners.

8. Dreams that shed tears shine when you think about them.

9. In all the relationships you want to cherish, just have a clear conscience.

10. Everyone is the same, only doing three things in his life: deceiving others, deceiving others, and being deceived by others.

11. A good advice is good for your actions, but a good medicine is good for your illness.

12. Too many people use "if" as a metaphor, but what they can't go back is the fact after all.

13. There are always many regrets in one's life.

14. Your so-called confusion is nothing more than watching yourself sink.

15. I love to know, but I know to drink too much when I get drunk!

16. In the world, there is love besides teeth.

17. If you crawl on the ground and look up at others, you can't blame them for standing straight and looking down at you.

18. If you are not sad, you will cry. If you are not happy, you will laugh.

19. Help others who don't want to be rewarded, and you don't feel lost in your heart.

20. No matter how much virtue is spent, there will be a day when virtue will fade.

21. If you want others to respect you, you must first learn to respect others.

22. We love because we smile one by one, and we are separated for vast reasons.

23. If you feel that you are wasting meaningful time, you will waste it.

24. A happy smile is simple, but a smile in trouble is not simple.

25. If you don't look up to others, you are also the scenery.

26. You can live a hundred years without heart or heart. It's not tired to live with a clear conscience.

27. Everyone has something unreasonable. Don't be hard on others, and don't blame yourself.

28. Looking at the way you came, it was all blank.

29. You can get the whole world with love, or you can lose the whole world with hate.

30. Happiness lies not in the ground, but in the care.
